At the June 2019 BMLAA Board meeting the Bad Medicine Safety, Education & Etiquette(SEE) Committee was launched. The goal of the SEE Committee is ‘To have Safety, Education & Etiquette be on the top of the mind as far as awareness and to bring lake lovers together, not drive them apart.’
- a. Safety – Updates will include topics related to continuing Bad Medicine’s strong safety record in recent history. Topics will include life vest usage, boat/PWC safety, dock safety, etc… Anything the BMLAA feels others should know to help keep everyone safe.
- b. Education – We fear what we don’t understand, education can help with this. Most issues can be solved with simple communication. The goal is to not let conflict govern our lake, but to work together to understand the many, many different types of recreation on the lake.
- c. Etiquette – There are many things which are not illegal, but certainly not necessary. The goal here is to reduce these instances as much as possible, while keeping in mind everyone makes mistakes from time to time.
Updates will be sent 2-3 times per year based on the amount of feedback/content accumulated. Much of the information will be the same from year-to-year but reminders are good for all of us.
Updates will be sent out via the BMLAA Directory email address list.
The current volunteer committee consists of Sue Shannon, Steve Lindow, William Herauf, Curt Halbakken, Barb Christiansen and Matt Hanson. Anyone is welcome to join!
What can we do?
1. As you are out enjoying the lake, do your best to be aware of your surroundings. Where are other boats? Is someone working in the water near where you are? Is someone swimming? Are your lights on? Etc…
2. Assume Goodwill – Very simply this means to think in the ‘What is the best reason something happened?’ Most times people aren’t trying to do something to drive you crazy. Often they either don’t know or are trying to avoid making someone else crazy.
3. Any suggestions can be emailed to seebadmed@gmail.com. This email will house ideas for future updates.
Summary: Surely there is no lake which lives in pure harmony but if the community works together we can all make it a little bit better.