Nextdoor at Bad Medicine Lake

The 78 members of Nextdoor have helped the Bad Medicine Lake community stay connected and informed. Bad Medicine Lake Nextdoor is a free private network for people who are seasonal and year round verified residents of Bad Medicine Lake.

It’s an easy and safe way to get notifications of lost dogs, bear sightings, snow removal/painter/handyman/boat storage suggestions, items for sale, news about baby loons.  It’s even helped members get deliveries from Minneapolis and misplaced sunglasses returned to owners in Grand Forks.

There is a pet care group of members willing to take dogs out or let cats in.  Going forward what about a carpooling group or a shared ingredient group for those times you realize you are short one egg for your brownies?

It’s easy to join.  Add your name to this neighborhood network by going to Bad Medicine Lake and entering your email address.  If you have questions or need help, call or email me.

Linda Bentson,, (218) 684-1234.